April 30 & May 1, 2015
Hilton Alexandria Old Town
April 30, 2015
8:00 am – 8:30 am |
Registration & Continental Breakfast – Foyer |
8:30 am – 8:45 am |
Opening Remarks from the NARRTC President
Robin Jones (Salon A & B) |
8:45 am – 9:45 am (30m built in for delays) |
Plenary Session: NIDLRR/ACL Update
NIDLRR & ACL Leadership and Staff (Salon A & B) |
10:15 am – 10:30 am |
Break |
10:30 am – 12:00 pm |
Key note:“Rehabilitation and Independent Living: Exploring Models for Building Successful Collaboration and Outcomes”
Moderator: Glen White, PhD, University of Kansas Panelists: Kurt Johnson, PhD, University of Washington, Tom Seekins, PhD, University of Kansas and Kelly Buckland, National Council on Independent Living (Salon A & B) |
12:00 pm – 1:15 pm |
Lunch Buffet (Everyone)
NARRTC Annual Meeting (For NARRTC Members Only) – (Salon A & B)
Non-Members may eat lunch in Salon C |
1:15 pm – 2:15 pm |
Concurrent Sessions. Please see Concurrent Sessions Sheet for more information
- Symposium 1 (Salon A): Marcia J Sherer, Deepti Samant Raja, Meera Adya, and Mary B. Killeen: Highlighting Effective RT/AT Service Delivery Practices
- Symposium 2 (Salon B): Lewis Kraus, Joy Hammel, Lex Frieden, and Katherine McDonald: The ADA Participation Action Research Consortium: Addressing Participation Disparities with People with Disabilities
- Research papers (Salon C):
- James S. Krause and Yue Cao : Employment after spinal cord injury: Transition to work and job retention models
- David R. Mann: Starting Behind: Wage and Employment Differentials between Young Adults With and Without Disabilities
- LaWanda Cook: A Proposed Model of Work, Life, and Disability Management
- John O’Neill and Arif Mamun: Return to Work of Disability Insurance Beneficiaries Who Do and Don’t Access State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency Services
2:30 pm – 3:30 pm |
Concurrent Sessions. Please see Concurrent Sessions Sheet for more information
- Symposium 3 (Salon A): Amanda Costa, Lisa M. Smith, and Tania Duperoy: Participatory Action Research: Engaging Young Adults with Mental Health Disabilities in Research and Knowledge Translation
- Symposium 4 (Salon B): Hannah Rudstam, Wendy Strobel Gower, and Sara Von Schrader: New Rules; Same Workplaces: ADAAA, RA Section 503 and Real-Life Decisions About Trust and Disclosure
- Research papers (Salon C):
- Ivan Molton: Expanding the evidence base for community-based health promotion in people with disabilities: A field report
- James S. Krause, Yue Cao, Jillian M. R. Clark, Janice Davis, and Lee L. Saunders: Cigarette Smoking among Those with Spinal Cord Injury: Changes in Smoking Rates from the Time of Injury to 17 Months Post-injury
- Lillie Greiman, Craig Ravesloot, Bob Liston, Mary Olson, and Parker Sanders: Life Starts at Home: Home Usability, Health and Community Participation
- Tamar Heller, Ranall Owen, and Amanda Schmidt: Perceptions of Adults with IDD and their Families on Health Care of People with IDD and the Transition to Medicaid Managed Care
3:30 pm- 3:45 pm |
Break |
3:45 pm – 5:00 pm |
Poster Session & Networking Event (Salon C) |
May 1, 2015
8:30 am – 9:00 am |
Registration & Continental Breakfast (Foyer) |
9:00 am – 10:30 am |
Keynote: “Lost in Translation: Tacit Assumptions and the Politics of Evidence”Thomas Archibald, PhD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Salon A & B) |
10:30 am – 10:45 am |
Break |
10:45 am – 12:00 pm |
Concurrent Sessions. Please see Concurrent Sessions Sheet for more information
- Symposium 5 (Salon A): Amanda Reichard, Deborah Brucker, Andrew Houtenville, Vidya Sundar, and Eric Lauer: Using Nationally Representative Datasets to Identify and Learn About the Lived Experiences of People with Disabilities
- Research papers (Salon B):
- Weili Lu: A Group Approach to Prepare Clients with Disabilities for Employment and Related Activities
- Mary Wagner: Promoting Successful Transition for Youth with Serious Mental Health Conditions
- E. Sally Rogers and Mihoko Maru: State of the Art and Science: Peer Delivered Services in Mental Health
- Anne Ordway: The Professional Self-Concept of Rehabilitation Counselors: A Qualitative Study of the Individual and Organizational Factors that Shape a Rehabilitation Counselor’s Practice
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm |
Lunch Buffet and NARRTC Awards Ceremony & Best Paper Presentation (Salon A & B) |
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm |
Concurrent Sessions. Please see Concurrent Sessions Sheet for more information
- Symposium 6 (Salon A): Steven Stern, Robert Schimdt, Joseph Ashley, and Virginia Dars: Estimation of Rates of Return to Vocational Rehabilitation
- Research papers (Salon B):
- Sandy Magaña: Parents Taking Action: A parent training program for Latina mothers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Lucy Bilaver: Associations between socioeconomic characteristics and autism treatment: A longitudinal analysis
- Carol Schall, Paul Wehman, and Jennifer McDonough: Effects of an employer based intervention on employment outcomes for youth and young adults with autism: A randomized clinical trial
- Tom Keating: Goal Guide: Development and Evaluation of a Phase I Prototype Goal Management System for Individuals with Cognitive Disabilities
2:45 pm – 3:45 pm |
Concurrent Sessions. Please see Concurrent Sessions Sheet for more information
- Symposium 7 (Salon A): Kerri Vanderbom and James H. Rimmer: Is your community making the GRAID? Including persons with disabilities in evidence-based community health promotion programs
- Research papers (Salon B): ‘
- Kurt Johnson, Deborah Hertz, Kevin Alschuler, Gary Stobbe, and John Scott: Multiple Sclerosis Project Echo: Outreach to Rural Providers to provide Innovative Collaborative Training Using video conferencing
- Kurt Johnson, Mark Harniss, Becky Matter, and Pat Brown: Communicating outcomes of the ADA National Network: Telling our story through complex case studies
- Lewis Kraus and Erica C. Jones: Providing regional context within a national network: The knowledge translation efforts and lessons of the ADA Centers
- Laurie Ehlhardt Powell: It’s not just about the apps! The importance of systematic needs assessment and instruction of assistive technology for cognition following acquired brain injury
4:00 pm – 4:15 pm |
Conference Wrap up – Robin Jones (Salon A & B) |