Due to the ongoing restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic, we made the difficult decision to cancel the annual meeting in April and move key parts of the event online using the Zoom conferencing platform. This year’s annual meeting included the NARRTC business meeting, awards ceremony, and a panel of NIDILRR representatives.
NARRTC Business Meeting, November 19th, 1-2:30 pm ET.
Please note: The business meeting is only open to NARRTC members in good standing. If you are not sure of your project’s membership status or are interested in joining NARRTC, please contact Jessica Chaiken, membership chair, at jchaiken@heitechservices.com.
Proposed Agenda:
- Approval of Minutes from 2019 Business Meeting
- President’s Report (Legislative update)
- Financial report for 2019-2020
- Membership update
- Totals for the year
- New member management system
- NARRTC events for 2020
- Election of Officers
- Candidates for Best Paper Award
- 2021 NARRTC Conference
- Issues from the Floor
NARRTC Awards Ceremony and NIDILRR Panel Discussion, November 20th, 1-3 pm ET
Each year, NARRTC presents several awards to members of the NIDILRR community as well as individuals who have significantly contributed to or supported research and development to support the independence of people with disabilities. Following the awards presentations, representatives from NIDILRR will discuss the Institute’s current and future priorities and activities.
The Awards Ceremony and NIDILRR panel discussion are open to both members and nonmembers.
Conference links and final agendas were distributed to registered participants prior to the event.