NARRTC Committees

NARRTC has several volunteer committees focused on both operations and educational efforts.

Standing Committees

Knowledge Translation and Training Committee

The Knowledge Translation (KT) and Training Committee attends to NARRTC member’s needs to fulfill NIDILRR requirements for dissemination of research findings, and training and technical assistance on critical disability rehabilitation topics. The KT Committee seeks to advance efforts that promote adoption, use, and full implementation of NIDLRR funded research in the disability community. The committee is concerned with adequate funding for KT endeavors, and development of KT expertise among NIDILRR grantees. Relatedly the Committee seeks at least one whole session of the annual meeting devoted to KT learning.

The current KT and Training Committee Chair is: Dr. Kathleen Murphy

Program Committee

The Program Committee supports the mission of NARRTC by organizing an annual conference that highlights state-of-the-science research funded by NIDILRR grantees. Subject areas span the range of NIDILRR’s long-range plan, which seeks to advance applied disability, independent living, and rehabilitation research. Relevant topics relate to health and function, community living and participation, and employment. Also relevant are presentations related to technology for access and function; disability statistics; and other projects that support implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The conference includes invited keynote presentations, a business meeting, and awards ceremony. The conference provides networking activities to stimulate collaboration among disability and rehabilitation investigators and early-career professionals.

The Program Committee is a standing committee and traditionally led by the NARRTC Vice President for one year. The term commences with the end of the Annual Meeting and concludes at the end of the following annual meeting.

The current Program Committee Chair is: Muslimah LaForce

Research Committee

The role of the Research Committee is to facilitate and promote research activities of NIDILRR grantees. The Committee participates in quarterly teleconference meetings, and meet in-person at the annual NARRTC conference. The By-laws and activities of the Committee are listed below n the attached document.
The Research Committee shall have responsibility for recommending, by annual report to the Board of Governors and the President, policies and activities that will assure that the objectives stated in Article III of these By-Laws are met. When approved by Board of Governors’ action, the Committee will be responsible directly or by delegation to see that programs and activities are successfully conducted.

Suggested Activities of the Research Committee

  1. Best Paper Award: solicit nominations, peer-review applications, make final decision, present award at annual meeting.
  2. Highlight Grantee Research: conduct annual survey with members about research activities (i.e., key findings, current gaps, collaborations, KT strategies), write summary reports, and develop research priority recommendations for NIDILRR.
  3. Promote Research Collaboration: identify common research activities across current grantees, develop thematic research panel presentations for annual conference, and solicit common areas of interest across members and promote grant collaboration efforts.

According to the NARRTC by-laws, the Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members in good standing of the organization appointed by the President following nomination of a slate of candidates by the Directors of Research or designates in annual assembly. They will serve for one year or, in the case of delayed appointments, until the close of the annual meeting following their appointment. Committee members may be reappointed for as many as five years in succession but must be off Committee one year before eligible for another term. The Chairperson shall be nominated by the Committee itself and will be duly appointed by the President. The Chairperson shall be a member of the Board of Governors and Executive Committee during the term of appointment of Chairperson. The Chairperson may be reappointed for as many as three successive years but must vacate the chair for one year before being reappointed.

The current Research Committee Chair is: Dr. Sarah von Schrader

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee is an Ad Hoc committee established by the President with the advice and consent of the Executive Board and is responsible to the Board. NARRTC’s membership committee is focused on growing the NARRTC community and supporting our members. Activities include identifying and implementing constituent relationship management tools, conducting annual membership campaigns, maintaining member information, and facilitating communication of organization news and timely information to members.

The current Membership Committee Chair is: Ms. Jessica Chaiken

By-Laws and Rules and Regulations Committee

The Committee is charged with (1) ensuring the integrity of the By-Laws and any appended Rules and Regulations with the purpose of the association, legality and internal consistency; (2) making recommendations to the President regarding any discrepancies between policies and the By-Laws and Rules and Regulations; (3) receiving recommended revisions for consideration; and (4) preparing proposed amendments for action by the membership.

The current By-Laws Committee Chair is: Ms. Joann Starks

Ad Hoc Committees

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee is an Ad Hoc committee established by the President with the advice and consent of the Executive Board and is responsible to Board. The overall purpose of the committee is to communicate about activities of NARRTC to existing and prospective members and to draw in more researchers involved with NIDILRR research and training grant’s activities and operations. The Committee uses NARRTC’s Executive Board and the Membership listserves to communicate with the membership regarding upcoming meetings, special projects, and other topics relevant to the Association. The Communications committee is responsible for developing, updating, and monitoring any proposed communications actions as well as recommending new ways to communicate with its members and other interested parties through alternative media. The Communications Committee produces the NARRTC News newsletter on a quarterly basis.

The Communications committee exists in order to:

  • provide useful information to members and others in NARRTC on matters related to the development of the association;
  • conduct outreach to prospective members to increase our overall membership and participation in our efforts and activities; and
  • enable and promote communication among general members and board members with regard to NARRTC activities, both at the annual meeting and in other ways.

The current the Communications Committee Chair is: Mr. Mark Odum